Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Satellite Internet Services for Home or Office

In order to get satellite internet service you will first need to live in an area that is serviced by a satellite internet provider. Next you will need clear access to the southern skies. This is because the satellites used for internet service are located above the equator. If you live in an area that is typically cloud covered or if you live in area that is surrounded by tall trees or geographical formations that will obstruct your satellite dish’s sky access most of the time then this is not the right type of internet service for you. To get satellite internet service you will need a satellite dish with a mounting kit, a feed line, a feed horn, a ULNB Connector, and a DVB-S PCI card or an external DVB modem with an adapter that will make it compatible with an Ethernet card. Some services will also require that you have a phone line, modem and ISP (land based).

Satellite internet providers, like HughesNet, will sell to you the equipment that you need to get set up to use their service. If you have selected a provider that offers 2 way satellite internet service they will also probably handle the installation, for a fee. You should know that you are only required to have a professional install your satellite system if it will be sending and receiving signals. It is legal for you to install a 1 way system yourself. However, if you are not technically or mechanically inclined get a trained professional to do it. Your service provider will also provide you with the software and instructions needed to gain access to the WWW using their satellite system. Finally they will offer you satellite internet access via a 1 way system or 2 way system. They may also offer you wireless internet access options.

Prices for satellite internet services are going to vary by provider and the type of service package that you select. However, there are a few common fees charged: a monthly service fee, equipment fees, and installation fees. The monthly fee will vary by provider, however, some major providers charge rates that are similar to land based ISPs. The equipment is expensive. This can run you hundreds of dollars. The final charge is for installation. If you are using a 2 way system you are required by the FCC to have it professionally installed. This will probably run you around $100 to $200. If you are installing a 1 way system you can hire a local contractor or you can do it yourself if you don’t want to utilize the satellite ISP’s technicians. This can help to save you money.

In the market for a satellite internet provider? Nationwide Satellite Solutions is your provider of HughesNet internet services as well a great resource that will answer any questions you have. Find out if it available in your area. For more on satellite technology visit the online resource directory.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sarah_Freeland