Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Internet Marketing For Attorneys

Internet marketing for attorneys is becoming more of a necessity in order to gain more clients rather than an addition to an advertising campaign. With the boom of online browsers, people are turning to the virtual world to get answers for common questions and especially for legal information. Most government websites are currently listed online and include a lot of legal information pertaining to individuals and businesses alike. A great example is the IRS. Everything one must know about Tax Law can be found on the IRS website. They provide all of the forms and instruction books for every subject matter. Most people are even directed to the website if they call and need specific information. In addition to the websites, many governmental organizations are providing a live chat session with a customer service representative. Instead of calling to speak with a person about particular issues, a citizen can join a chat session, type a question and wait for an instant response. The money saved in telephone charges is enough to convince anyone with even a little computer user knowledge, that online live customer service is a better option. It is for these reasons that Internet marketing for law firms should strongly be considered and developed.

Most lawyers offer a free consultation to all prospective clients. These free consultations are usually comprised of an initial meeting and evaluation of the problem at hand or to review what services the client is seeking. Internet marketing for attorneys can cut the time spent in an initial free consultation in half. When a client first calls the office to schedule an appointment, the paralegal can gather information and direct him to a specific portion of their website that gives information on that subject matter. If the client is already basically knowledgeable about a subject, the initial consultation can not only be more productive, but can save a lot of wasted time, for the lawyer and for the client. Many initial consultations are merely an information center for the prospective client. Since lawyers are limited in the amount of help that can be given with out the retainment of services agreement signed by the client, this information can be better left on a website. Offering the basic information that would have been given at an initial consultation on a company website is a productive way to create Internet marketing for law firms. The larger the variety of information given to an online searcher, the better. This builds trust in a potential client, and trust is what people desire in order to form a relationship, whether business or personal. "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths" (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Many lawyers tailor a website to provide information about themselves. While this is important (services offered, office hours, direction, and staff descriptions), the online browser is searching the virtual world for a reason. If it were just to pick a lawyer, Internet marketing for attorneys would not be necessary, an ad in a phone book would suffice. Online browsers are searching law websites to get answers for legal questions. Internet marketing for law firms should include a plethora of legal information for the potential client to read and familiarize themselves with a law or particular legal situation. For example: a person searching online for information about bankruptcy discovers two law firms' sites. One site just gives a one page description highlighting the different types of bankruptcy, the other gives detailed information about each type. By discovering how complex law is, which most viewers will do, the browser has a choice to make on who they will choose the represent them in bankruptcy court. The browser will most likely choose the firm that has given him the most "free" information.

A lawyer's fee is not only dependent upon the giving of information, it is also the representation of the client because they cannot or will not have all the information needed to represent themselves. Even if they do, wisdom sides with the retainment of a lawyer's services in matters of legal representation. Internet marketing for attorneys can be done wisely, offering enough information to gain the trust of the potential client, while also expressing a large amount of knowledge in a particular area. In addition the lawyer saves time (which is money) in any initial consultations and can better serve the clients needs. Internet marketing for law firms is a much needed solution to advertising and gaining the public's attention. In an age when "looking it up on the Internet" is becoming a more common practice than going to the library, it is an intelligent choice to cater to the millions of online browsers seeking valuable information that only a lawyer can offer.

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