Thursday, June 14, 2007

Making Free Money from Your Web Site

There are a plethora of free website providers out there who offer basic internet website space for a small fee. This fee usually does not include what it costs to store information on the web, but this is normally not a very expensive thing to do.

There are a plethora of free website providers out there who offer basic internet website space for a small fee. This fee usually does not include what it costs to store information on the web, but this is normally not a very expensive thing to do.

Making money from your free website can be done in a variety of ways. If you want to provide a special interest site, you can have search engine optimized content that will draw business from search engines. Once your visitors have reached your site, if they click on the banners and links of ads that you sponsor, you can get paid per each time your ads are clicked.

Normally this fee is just in the cents. Ten to fifteen cents per click is normally considered the average amount that is paid per click, although there really is no sure fire way for you to find out how much each click from each sponsor will pay you. The key to making money from your free website is to find a way to get attractive enough content to where your visitors will come to see your site and what you have to offer. If you can drive enough traffic to your website through search engines you will be able to get enough traffic from ads to garner enough clicks on your ads to where you will actually have enough revenue from your ad sponsors to generate a check. Google AdSense seems to be the best provider for this type of advertisement for your free web site.

If you are looking at making money from your free website, it is important to remember that nothing will happen overnight. Just stick to it and remember that the amount of work you put into your site is relative to the amount of revenue you get from it.

About the Author

My name is Samuel Colon, Online Business Man, the owner of and, your online resources to make money at home. Helping people to generate extra income with a comprehensive list of ideas. An opportunity so you can work from home with an online home based job.