Friday, June 15, 2007

Web Branding Letting Your Humanity Shine Through

It wasn't so long ago that advertising was mostly filled with unrealistic scenarios that attempted to convince the buying public that a better life was available if they were just willing to purchase a product. You could be better looking, have a better home, enjoy greater friendships and never gain weight if you simply used an advertised product. Of course this was never stated, but was often inferred.

This type of advertising is less prevalent today. The question may be "Why?"

Most consumers are much more interested in making a purchase based on their knowledge of a product. Information is sought daily online to assist consumers in making a rational decision about a product or service.

Sure there are still many impulse decisions being made, but the effectiveness of information can be a powerful means of not simply marketing a product but branding your business as well.

If you can make your information interesting and mildly entertaining you may discover the consumer may view you as an actual human being and not some corporate giant who cares very little for their customers.

If you watch advertising on television today you will find it is typically filled with real people simply shopping or enjoying a product with a relatively straightforward message about a current sale or simply providing a spot that enhances the image of the company.

Most of the old style advertising is relegated to infomercials or local advertisers who didn't get the memo that truth and personality are really good sales tools.

I have no statistics to conclusively prove the following point, but I would venture to say that there are many personal website owners who are more adept at web branding than their business counterpart.

The reason I believe this is true is that the individual understand that there is an incredible connection between the expression of their personality and repeat visitors. If the website remains static or relies exclusively on slick production values, the point of web branding remains a lost commodity.

Often business think a bigger and better website is what is ultimately important, but if there is no emotive content coupled with knowledge-based articles and information the end result may be a rather apathetic visitor.

Being real and honest with your customer may mean coming down to their level, but the end result is often a customer that can identify with you. Once they can empathize the knowledge-based information you supply can provide a greater connection with the prospect. In turn this may move a prospect into the customer column on your business ledger.

About the Author
Scott Lindsay is a web developer and entrepreneur. He is the founder of HighPowerSites and many other web projects. Get your own website online in just 5 minutes with HighPowerSites at: Start your own ebook business with BooksWealth at: