Friday, September 14, 2007

Don't fall Prey to Scams !!!

Tips to avoid scams:
•Beware of False Claims: Have you noticed that the company is making claims which sound too good to be true? Just stop there! Don’t blindly believe in the attractive matter put up by the company. We all want to earn “instantly” but don’t forget that nothing is life comes for FREE! Take your decisions smartly.

•Keep an eye on Contact info: Do check that whether the company has their contact info details on their website. A legal company will surely have their contact info details on their webpage, easily noticeable. Checking the age of Domain name of company’s website can help you to know how old is company and their website.

•Moral business values: There are certain guidelines posted by the “The Direct Marketing Association” in order to carry certain guidelines for moral business practices. Here are some

points of those guidelines:
Terms of the offer
Advance consent marketing
special offers and claims
marketing to children
sweepstakes sites
fulfillment of orders
collecting personal information and data on your website
online marketing
telephone marketing
laws, codes, and regulations

•Service Oriented: Legitimate business would surely offer some type of goods or services for any fees they charge. A company that claims you can make money by recruiting new members is an illegal pyramid scheme. If the company charges a fee, they must offer some type of service or product.

•Easily Accessible: Always contract locally with people whom you can meet in person - Just Follow this instruction and you will avoid 80-90% of the scam attempts anywhere.

•Beware while disclosing info: Never Wire Funds via Western Union, Money gram or any other wire service - anyone who asks you to do so is a cheater.

•Financial Info: Never give out your financial information i.e. your bank account number, credit card number, social security number, eBay/Papal info, etc.

•Avoid Shipping: Avoid the deals involving shipping or escrow services and also keep in mind that a “scammer” will only guarantee you about the transaction.

Free Samples: This type of scam mostly exist while dealing in B2B Trading. The importer might ask you to ship first a sample piece and falsely would state he would order a bulk quantity later. The best way to handle this situation is to ask him to pay at least 85-90 % of the cost of products. While dealing in bulk quantities use service from banks ie: Letter of Credit. Very common scam is while trading from Nigeria who falsely states that they have a Performa Invoice ready for a bulk enquiry but the payment would be made via cheque. Be Ready to Get Scammed here !!!

Background Verification : If you want more ethical report you can also take help of reputed background verification companies’ to help you.