By using precautions online while we are buying is smart. Whenever you purchase your items, first be sure to check if you have a secure connection, by checking to see if somewhere on your screen you have a little padlock that is locked. By clearing all cookies when you are finished is another way to allow you to safely buy and surf.
Some retirees may wonder if the sites are secure themselves. Most are encrypted language, which will protect you. Be aware of emails that you receive, as some are scams. While some look harmless, read between the lines. Make sure you keep notes of recent purchases and the company from whom you purchased your item.
Remember when your parents told you never to give out your Social Security number? Well the time for that is past. Most places need it and will not set you up for pay plans or accept payments from you, such as utilities. Keep a list of where and when you gave your number, if there are any future problems, you can address them.
Lastly be sure that when you receive your billings statements that there is only one purchase on the card, for your item. Read you billings and be aware of your purchases. Keep your billings from your credit cards for about 5 months. That way if you forget whether or not you used your card you may be able to find a pattern if your card numbers were stolen.